Dave’s Off Road Camper Trailer

TRAILER PLANS Off Road Camper Trailer www.trailerplans.com.au

Dave’s Off Road Camper Trailer

We’ve seen a few good trailers over the years, but from time to time somebody will take our plans and create something really special. Dave’s camper trailer is one of those. Starting with our basic camper plan, Dave went well beyond the call and built himself a very professional looking trailer that even the most discerning camper would be proud of.

It’s difficult to do this unit justice with words, so we will let the pictures do most of the talking. One of the first things we really liked was the front mounted drawer. Not sure what Dave intends to store on this, but we can think of a few things. Simply love it.

Then you look at this draw bar mounted toolbox with its many finely chiseled angles. A real quality piece of work.

Dave’s advice to anyone building a trailer like this is not to be afraid to try something, to take your time, work it out and everything should go to plan.

And just for some additional wow factor, the toolbox turns out not to be a toolbox, but actually an enclosure the houses not one, but two Engel fridges – enough to smuggle an ice berg through the Simpson Desert.

We could go on about the electrical gear, the internal carpeting, plumbing, the kitchen unit… but think everyone really just needs to see this for themselves. Enjoy…

Well done Dave, you have raised the bar!

“Don’t be afraid to try something. Take your time, work it
out and everything should go to plan”