Toby’s 2.1m Enclosed Trailer Build

TRAILER PLANS - Toby's 2.1m Enclosed Trailer Build

Although our plans are largely designed for DIY trailer builders, they are often used by professional builders who value the detailed drawings, parts lists and material cutting lists. This enables a builder to determine accurate costing, reduce lead times and provide clients with clear representation of what their trailer will look like.

One such builder is Toby, who built a couple of compact enclosed trailers using our plans. Both trailers were slightly modified from the standard plan including size, rear door configuration and spare wheel mounting position. He used mechanical override brakes and finished the trailer of with an attractive paint job.

The builds went so well Toby said he is planning on doing a 6m enclosed trailer next. We know where you can get some great plans for that Toby!

More information on the 2.1m Enclosed Trailer Plan